This Volunteers’ Week we’re taking the opportunity to talk to Helm’s Marketing Volunteer, Marc Lees, about his journey into volunteering and the benefits it can bring to both a charity and an individual. 


How long have you been volunteering?

I have been volunteering since February, so around three months.

 Why did you decide to begin volunteering?

I wanted to understand more of what it was like to work in my professional field, but I also wanted to help and give back – and Helm fits into the values that I hold true. It’s a good fit for me to gain experience in my professional field and also help the next generation of young people find their path.

 What have you enjoyed most about your time volunteering?

Getting to put my skills to play for a greater good, rather than doing something for financial gain. I’m doing something to help. It’s a feeling you can’t get from working, because you’re using your skills to help a cause. Also, what the team stands for – everyone working towards a common goal they want to achieve.

 What benefits have you experienced personally?

I’d say learning from the team about ways of doing marketing that I wouldn’t have thought of personally and building on my own knowledge and experience is exceptional and a big benefit to myself. Also, the self-awareness of what I can do and putting into play all the things I’ve learnt at university. I feel like I’m doing something different that means something. I’m enjoying getting to do stuff, without the thought of ‘well what’s in it for me’, and because I’m enjoying it, I’m invested in it.

 Would you recommend volunteering?

Oh 100%. I would say go for it because it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that not only benefits yourself but you’d be helping others as well. We all want to help.


Thank you for talking to us Marc, and for your valuable volunteering work! If you would like to get involved check out our volunteer page for more information or email to discuss your ideas.