Helm Hacks
Face-to-Face interviews Interview techniques


At Helm, we try to give you the tools and resources you need as you become an adult. 

This might be anything from learning life skills like cooking and budgeting through to tips and guidance about how to get a job.

On this section of the website, you’ll find some handy ‘Helm Hacks’ giving you different tips and support.  New content is updated regularly so don’t forget to keep checking back in future!  If you have any ideas for content that would be useful to you, we’d love to hear from you!  Email hello@helmtraining.co.uk with your ideas!

Interviewing can be daunting, watch Helm’s top tips for interviewing.

Virtual interviews are very different to face-to-face interviews, watch our top tips to find out more. 

Find out more about Helm’s top tips for writing a CV that will get you noticed.

Watch our video to find out how to structure a CV and key points to include.

The STARR technique is a common interview technique which helps you structure your answers and get across all the main points. Watch our video to find out more.

The STARR technique is a common interview technique which helps you structure your answers and get across all the main points. Watch our video to find out more.

If you’re interested in finding out more about any aspects of Helm, take a look at the different pages on our website.

Alternatively, our friendly team are always here to help and can be reached on hello@helmtraining.co.uk.

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Helm has been supporting young people aged 15 to 25 years, in Dundee, to gain education and employment, for over 40 years. As a grassroots organisation we have maintained our connections with communities as we have grown to work across Tayside.

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Sea Captain’s House
48 St Andrew’s Lane
Dundee DD1 2EY

+44 1382 224464

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